As festival forensic testing shows MDMA crystal is very high purity, welfare services offer advice to users: ‘CrushDabWait Saves Lives’
The Loop conducts forensic testing of drugs at UK festivals and nightclubs and provides associated welfare support. Forensic testing suggests that whilst the MDMA content of ecstasy pills has fallen a little in recent months from its peak to just under 100mg MDMA per pill, the MDMA crystal currently in circulation in the UK is very high purity - 83% – and even higher at recent festivals where The Loop has been testing.
The Loop’s and Chill’s welfare teams have cared for hundreds of festival goers at recent music events, many of whom struggled to moderate the amount of MDMA crystal they took. We are very concerned by this, coming after yet more MDMA-implicated deaths, this month at a US festival and in Scotland. Obviously all drugs are potentially dangerous and The Loop and Chill do not encourage or condone any drug use. There is a particular concern relating to the variations in purity, shape, size and density of MDMA crystals, however, meaning that it is difficult for users to guess consistently and accurately how much they are taking. Therefore we are encouraging users not to take whole crystals of MDMA. Instead users should think carefully about how to moderate the amount of MDMA they take with the advice to crush up crystals into a fine powder, lick their finger tip and dab the powder to consume a small amount (approximately 70-100mg of MDMA, the same as contained in an average pill and an average dose for an average sized person) then wait 1-2 hours for the effects before considering taking more.
Fiona Measham, co-Director of The Loop and Director of its drug testing programme said: “My research shows that MDMA crystal remains the most popular party drug amongst festival goers and clubbers but purity and contents can vary considerably in illegal markets. When purity increases it takes a while for behaviours to readjust and we often see more problems. We want to keep people safe and advice as simple as ‘crush-dab-wait’ could save lives”.
Katy MacLeod Director of Chill Welfare said “ We have seen an increase in MDMA crystal use over the last year and we have found that people experiencing negative effects have often used at large doses, re-dosed quickly or mixed with other substances. It’s difficult to judge the dose of MDMA crystal so this can lead to users taking more and experiencing unpleasant and sometimes life threatening side effects. For people that choose to use MDMA crystal, the crush-dab-wait advice is essential to avoid negative experiences. Equally people should be aware that mixing with other drugs including alcohol increases the likelihood of adverse side effects.”
The Loop is a not-for-profit Community Interest Company providing welfare, forensic drug testing and harm reduction services on drugs, alcohol and sexual health at UK nightclubs and festivals across Europe. The Loop was the first UK organisation to warn about the Superman PMMA pills prior to the death of 4 users. For more information about The Loop contact
Chill is a not-for-profit Community Interest Company providing welfare, chill out and harm reduction services for drugs, alcohol and sexual health at festivals across the UK, Ireland and beyond. For more information about Chill contact
Note: The UK continues to have the highest rates of MDMA use in Europe, with 3.9% of 16-24 year olds reporting having used ecstasy in the past year in the latest Home Office Crime Survey for England and Wales:
We’ve been warning about this for some time! Legal does not mean safe!
Do you use an ecig? Are you concerned about what may be in them?
Have a read of this report
The letter to all festivals regarding legal highs, illegal drugs and the need for more information and advice to be provided.
We will be providing this across the country this year. Bigger and better than last. Keep your eyes out for us and say Hi.
Manchester could be following Lincoln’s lead to stamp out ‘legal highs’ across the region after GMP announced they want locations of all shops that are selling the substances across the city.On February 26, Greater Manchester Police for Higher Blackley and Charlestown tweeted a request for members of the public to aid their mapping process - indicating a potential crackdown on the selling and consumption of new psychoactive substances (NPS).
Do you think this will help in other areas?
RaveSafe people! Make an informed choice and educate yourself and the people you love!
What do you think about the new drug-driving law? Did you know some prescription medication is on the list too?
We will be out and about again this weekend. Come and say Hi if you are out at The Albert Hall gigs in Manchester
Lets get with the times people!!
Encouragement has never been the point. Only education will save lives.
Home Office scientists give backing to new device which can test drivers for drugs within minutes
These will be on our roads from March 2015, will it effect you?
Professor David Nutt has developed two new drugs to combat ‘Binge Britain’, which could save the NHS billions, and do away with alcohol-induced shame
Would you try this?
The results are in!! Did you take part?
Ecstasy is a nickname for the psychoactive drug MDMA. The drug has been popular among dance music enthusiasts for decades, but the drug has begun to change in recent years, and these changes have led to many adverse outcomes, including death.
Police arrest three men after offering temporary amnesty to anyone who comes forward with tablets featuring ‘S’ emblem
Please take care and educate yourselves. Rest in peace and our thoughts to the families.
Just because it says “Legal” doesn`t mean its safe!
It's a well-used statement from drugs charities, that Legal Highs are available too easily and too cheaply. According to one charity, Addaction, there are more so-called 'head shops' in the North East than anywhere else in the country. It's a subject that has always interested me. A subject that for a long time I have wanted to investigate. So I decided to put this theory to the test. Just how easy IS it to get hold of legal highs? Are the statements backed up by the facts? With the help of colleague Nikhita Chulani we set off armed with forty pounds in our pockets with the aim of buying whatever we could. The results were quite surprising.
Russell Brand challenges the viewpoint that the government’s drugs policy is working.
Love him or dislike him do you agree with what he has to say?
B. Traits meets users and dealers to find out how much they really know about their drugs.
Our very own Fiona on BBC 9pm tonight!
The Loop won the UK 11th annual festival awards new technology award for drug testing at Parklife 2014.
Huge thanks to Parklife, Ground Control, WHP, GMP, Trafford police & everyone who supported our cutting edge harm reduction this summer x
It's the party season, and many people will be stocking up on alcohol - but some young people will spend their money on so-called legal highs. Around 80 new substances appear every year, many available on the high street - or internet. Now, one young man, from Sussex, has enlisted the help of Fixers - the campaign that gives young people a voice - to warn others of the dangers.
Please take care and enjoy the festive season
Dutch police have warned that British tourists are being targeted by Amsterdam drug dealers passing off white heroin as cocaine
Our thoughts and prayers wit the famihttps:// these young men.
Be careful this weekend and always
After more than a decade of high profile addiction to drugs and alcohol, Pete Doherty is finally clean – https:// a moving message for those battling with their own demons.
Well done Pete
Last year almost 80,000 people took part in the Global Drug Survey and helped us produce the world’s first harm-reduction guide. These experts are people who like taking drugs but want to keep themselves…
Aled and Dr Radha discuss drinking for Alcohol Awareness Week.
With Alcohol Awareness week starting today the BBC iPlayer have a surgery on the subject
For the last 10 years, Druglink magazine has carried out an annual Street Drug Trends survey - an attempt to get a snapshot view of the drug scene in 20 UK towns and cities. We contact frontline https://s, police forces, drug action teams, criminal justice workers and drug user groups in order to build up a picture of what has been happening in the UK’s drug market in the last 12 months.
Be safe this weekend, what ever you are doing make sure you do this.
By taking part in this year’s Global Drug Survey, you will be part of the biggest survey of drug use patterns in the world. Last year almost 80,000 took part in GDS2014. Our target this year, with media partners in 19 countries and with the survey having been translated into 8 languages is 120,000 | Global Drug Survey, UK
Inspiring story to start your week
The Loop has been shortlisted for the UK 11th annual ‘Festival Awards’ 2014 in the category ‘Best use of new technology’ for infrared spectroscopy drug testing of substances of concern at Parklife.
Winner announced on 1st December - fingers and toes crossed till then!
What do you know about ecigs?
Unusual approach or the way forward?
A new poll for Channel 4 News reveals why young people are drinking less, how one in four would rather be online than in the pub - and why their grandparents drink twice as often as them.
Workers say the programme could hit services if employers are taken off the wagons but waste contractor say it is committed to keehttps://aff and the public safe
Are you in a job that has random drug testing?
New data suggests developing patterns in drug use as cocaine seizures reach 3.4 tonnes in 2013-14 and amount of ketamine confiscated leaps by 45 per cent
Does the law need changing?
Two ketamine users https://r 20s tell Newsbeat how the drug nearly destroyed their bladders.
Despite the language we use about drugs, many people don’t see themselves as “drug users” but as rational adults who aren’t on a mission to seek moral disintegration and cause themselves harm. People who…
Very interesting article
Do you agree? London set for smoking crackhttps://a href="">
Including… commissioners plans to reduce spending on services, injecting drug users and HIV, smoking prevalence, proportion of new Europol cases relating to …
Keep yourselves up to date